Cycling training plans and books
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Indoor CoverIndoor Training For Cyclists

by Coach David Ertl

We can’t always ride outdoors, and as much as we may dislike riding our indoor

trainer, it is necessary to do so when you can’t get out and ride. This eBook

describes the reasons why you should consider training indoors, the types

of indoor training and trainers available and provides a guide for developing

indoor workouts. This eBook contains 50 indoor workouts covering leg speed,

threshold, endurdance, anaerobic intervals and even strength and power.


101 Cover

     101 Cycling Workouts

     by Coach David Ertl

As the title suggests, this eBook contains 101 workouts to help you become a
better cyclist. Workouts cover the range from endurance, aerobic and anaerobic fitness, leg speed, strength, power and sprinting. It also
covers gym workouts and
other forms of compatible cross-training.


Losing Those Last 10 Pounds

12 strategies for losing those last 10 pounds of body fat

     by Coach David Ertl

 Lose 10 Pounds cover                                                           

This 14 page eArticle provides 12 strategies for losing those last few stubborn pounds of body fat.  Cyclists spend thousands of dollars to drop a few pounds or ounces from their bikes, but may be carrying around several extra pounds of unnecessary body fat.

Losing weight as a cyclist is tricky because we need energy to ride and train effectively.  If you cut calories the wrong way it will hurt your training. This eArticle gives healthy and safe approaches for losing weight gradually while still having energy to ride and train.

This article also includes 6 guidelines for healthy eating and suggestions on mental preparation for losing weight.


Busy coverTraining For Busy Cyclists

     by Coach David Ertl

   If you have enough time to ride and are as fit as you want to be, then this book isn’t for you.   It’s for the majority of us who don’t have enough time to get into the cycling shape we wish to have. If you would like to become more fit with your limited time, or if you would like to discover how to create more time to ride, this eBook is for you.


                                         NEW !

Indoor CoverIndoor Training For Cyclists

by Coach David Ertl

We can’t always ride outdoors, and as much as we may dislike riding our indoor

trainer, it is necessary to do so when you can’t get out and ride. This eBook

describes the reasons why you should consider training indoors, the types

of indoor training and trainers available and provides a guide for developing

indoor workouts. This eBook contains 50 indoor workouts covering leg speed,

threshold, endurdance, anaerobic intervals and even strength and power.


101 Book Cover

Cover image

101 Cycling Workouts

Autographed paperback book

by Coach David Ertl

This is the same as the ebook above but in a paperback book format. This book was published by Morgan James in 2009.  If you order from this site, you will receive an autographed copy of this book.

(Copies can only be shipped to USA and Canada locations only)


Competitive Cyclist Annual Training Plan

Competitive cover

competitive image

365 day’s worth of training plans for the competitive cyclist. This plan hits all aspects of fitness including base conditioning, strength training, aerobic and anaerobic workouts, leg speed, power and recovery workouts. Comes with a manual, ‘How To Use a Training Plan’ to help you modify this plan for your situation.


Time Trial Cyclist / Triathlete Annual Training Plan

TT cover

TT Image

365 day’s worth of training plans for the cyclist who does primarily time trials, and for triathletes who wants to improve their cycling times. This plan emphasizes aerobic (threshold) endurance but also includes some leg strength training and anaerobic, leg speed, power and recovery workouts. Comes with a manual, ‘How To Use a Training Plan’ to help you modify this plan for your situation.


Recreational Cyclist Annual Training Plan

Recreational cover

Touring cover

365 day’s worth of training plans for the recreational and touring cyclist.  This plan emphasizes endurance, strength and aerobic conditioning workouts, with a few anaerobic with a few anaerobic, leg speed and recovery workouts. Comes with a manual, ‘How To Use a Training Plan’ to help you modify this plan for your situation. READ MORE & TO ORDER

15 Week Training Plan for a Multi-Day Tour

multi day cover

Multi-day cover

The perfect training plan to prepare for a multi-day and weeklong bike tour.  This plan provides 15 week’s worth of training building up for the event.  Includes primarily endurance and hill training with some aerobic intervals included to increase your speed.  Comes with a manual, ‘How To Use a Training Plan’ to help you modify this plan for your situation.


15 Week Training Plan for a Century

Century cover

Century cover

The perfect training plan to prepare you for your Century (100 mile) ride..  This plan provides 15 week’s worth of training building up for the event.  Includes primarily endurance and hill training with some aerobic intervals included to increase your speed.  This is also a great plan for other long rides, such as metric Centuries.  Comes with a manual, ‘How To Use a Training Plan’ to help you modify this plan for your situation.

Read more & order

Global Ride

Global Ride’s Virtual Cycling DVDs

give indoor cyclists a unique first-person riding experience. Each DVD was carefully created by road cyclists to provide the best possible training for indoor cyclists, outdoor cyclists and group Spinning® classes. Upbeat music, multiple selectable coaching tracks and high-quality video shot from the rider’s perspective take you on a global journey unlike any other cycling / Spinning® DVD on the market.

                       Learn more and order

Hammer logo

Hammer Nutrition

       Hammer Nutrition – Nutritional products for endurance athletes.  Scientifically 

        formulated to provide the most nutritients for the exercising athlete. Save 15% on

your first order by clicking HERE.

WKO+ logo

WKO+ Logo

WKO+ Power Training Software – This software is a necessity if you train with a power meter.  Itprovides detailed analysis of all your individual workouts as well as an ongoing analysis of your fitness and fatigue. Compatible with a wide variety of power meters and with Training Peaks software.   To learn more about WKO+ software and to order a copy of this software, click HERE.

Power Meter book

Power Meter Cover

          If you buy this WKO+ software or if you own a power meter, you should also read

       Training and Racing with a Power Meter
, written by Hunter Allen and Andrew

         Coggan, who also designed the WKO+ software. This book gives a very thorough understanding

         for training with power and will explain the background behind the WKO+ analyses. Click HERE

         to order this book at a discount through my Bookstore. 

Mode cover

Mode Workouts

        Mode Workouts –  Portable strength workouts that does not require weight

          equipment.  These workouts use only body weight and exercise bands that can be

done while traveling or at home.   Click HERE to learn more and to order..

Turbulence Cover

Turbulence Cover

                   Turbulence Training –  A high intensity, efficient all-body training program to build

                    muscle and burn body fat.  Workouts complement your cycling training program by

strengthening parts of your body not touched by cycling.  Click HERE to learn more and

to order.

Workout Pass

Workout Pass

           Workout Pass – A collection of 100,000 exercises and workouts for every

            sport and activity. It’s like having your own personal trainer.  Click HERE to learn

            more and to order.



           BodyBot™ – An automated website where you can design and run

              your own timed workout, great for people when traveling as these use

              primarily your own body weight. Click HERE to learn more and to order.

Turth About Abs

Truth About Abs

                                 Truth About Abs  – No gimmicks or fads, finally a book just filled

                                 with facts that gets to the real truth about fat loss and developing strong,

                   defined abdominal muscles as well as a lean total body.  Click HERE to

                                 learn more and to order.

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